Linux is being increasingly deployed into a wide range of embedded devices, from the high and low end, consumer electronics, mobile phones, IoT devices, and many more. In the rapidly changing embedded market, choosing the right partner can smooth your path to success.
EMBEDOX offers quality comprehensive and complete embedded system development services including embedded Linux & board support package development.

Our accumulated knowledge and experience in all aspects of embedded Linux systems from design, board bring-up, development and deployment is at your disposal in every phase of your project. We have experience deploying open-source embedded operating systems such as YOCTO, Buildroot, Debian, or even custom-made.
From secure IoT and cloud-enabled devices to devices with touch LCD screens with rich graphical user interface requirements.
We apply an holistic vision to provide you with a comprehensive strategy to develop innovative embedded products based on Linux that promote currently leading technologies.
We offer a full range of embedded Linux solutions:
Yocto distribution customization
Linux kernel & drivers development
U-boot development
Embedded Linux SDK deployment
Complete firmware update solution (FOTA)
User space applications development
QT/QML GUI development

EMBEDOX provides QT/QML professional software development services for embedded devices.
QT/QML is the framework used for implementing cross-platform rich graphical user interface applications.
The QT framework is deployed into a wide range of devices, from high-end desktops and embedded systems through to ultra-low-end edge devices, made possible by solid platform support.

Innovation for a wide variety of industries
We utilize QT to build beautiful UX/UI applications across wide range of industries, including medical, industrial controls, ,transportation and more. Our QT experience enables us to promote applications capable of more engaging user interfaces on embedded devices.
Microcontrollers have become an inherent part of our lives, they are widely used in embedded systems and they are integrated into most of the devices around us.
Software programing for microcontrollers may pose many hardships requiring in-depth knowledge of microcontroller architecture as well as knowledge for using hardware debugging tools. This why our experience in developing microcontroller software can provide you with the most advanced and fast solutions.

EMBEDOX team specializes in developing systems that require real-time performance, using bare-metal programming or real-time operating systems like FeeeRTOS, and Zephyr OS. We provide fast and reliable solutions throughout your entire project: from selecting the best hardware to match your needs, through designing software architecture, developing the most advanced software to match your product requirements, all the way to product refinement, testing and manufacturing.